Monday, October 3, 2011





每一件事情,都有它相应的代价。你想要得到哪一些,就得付出哪一些所需要的那一些。时间、精神、勇气、眼泪……I do not know, you may name it, anything.只是你还愿意付出吗?









Monday, September 26, 2011





Saturday, September 17, 2011

Undilah! Don't sleep anymore.

A gift from Pete Teo & Friends to all Malaysians in conjunction with 916 Malaysia Day 2011.

And I'm happy enough for being able to conduct an exclusive interview with the production team. Thanks to Pete Teo, Afdlin Shauki, Namewee, Benji, Albert, Fred and others.

Pete was talkative, every journalist would loves to interview people like him; Afdlin was humourous and funny, when he start talking, laughing never stop; Namewee was damn "dai sei"; and Benji was shy, hehe.

It was an enjoyable and wonderful experience. As the interview and special report was done right before my Birthday, I see it as a gift for myself. I'm happy and satisfied, really. :)

Specially thanks to weitee, for getting these peoples to give ntv7 the exclusive interview; thanks to boonkooi, kt and weiwei, for giving me 3min airtime each day to complete the task..

NTV7 Mandarin7 News Special Report on "undilah!",
Part 1:

NTV7 Edition7 News Report on "undilah!"

It was not my voice-over in the Edition Report. But I'm happy to help in drafting the story and chose the soundbite. :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Bye, Harry Potter.

Time flies..

When I finished reading this, I felt heavy-hearted..

It was like.. 3 years ago..


When I done watching this, I felt lost. Whether you like it or not, it's time, we have to bid goodbye to Harry Potter..

A decade has come to its' end. It was the Decade of Harry Potter. It was our teenage memory..

Although we all know that HP movies are never as amazing as the books are. But who cares? It's always a must-watched!

Because only this will complete the ritual and ceremony.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Persecution Paranoia @ 被迫害妄想症

709 BERSIH rally just around the corner.

After all the mess in the past few weeks, I cannot stop myself from pondering and wondering about whether the mental conditions of our Bolehland's government and PDRM are really healthy and normal?

Please read through the following facts, let's together examine whether these are some indicative symptoms...

1. Some days after BERSIH called for 709 peaceful rally, police had arrested 30 PSM leaders and members who go around Malaysia to advertise and publicize this rally.


By having Che Guevara T-shirts or communism-related things, you ARE intended to "REVIVE COMMUNIST IDEOLOGY & WAGE WAR ON HIS HIGHNESS YDPA"!!!

I think police should raid PETALING STREET and all tourism spots. Do they ever realize how many hawkers are reviving communism by selling these T-shirts to tourists who trying to revive communism?! There are countless!

Even our premier was meeting the world's largest communist party leader months ago. They even had private talk! Is that consider waging war to His Highness Agung?

2. Then they announced BERSIH, T-shirts and YELLOWS are illegal.


BERSIH, T-Shirts and Yellow may threaten national security, and ultimately create chaos in the country..

So she is Osama bin Laden in disguise?

And the T-shirts are actually decepticons in disguise?!

Finally these yellows are actually biological weapons?!


3. All of a sudden,

Poems can threaten national security too! A respected and noble poet may bring more harm than a terrorist!

This old grandpa may threaten national security?! You think Rakyat is LuLu ar?

So government plans to ban their books and poems too? Close down all bookstores that sell related books?

4. Even worse,

A Korean intern student maybe a SPY!

Probably the government and police will also think that, these international supports for BERSIH and calls for release the arrested persons are some kinds of intervention into our internal affairs, or an effort to topple government?

5. On and off they had arrested about 200 peoples who involve in Illegal BERSIH movement.

Members of Parliament, members of State Assembly, members of local council, members of NGOs, common peoples... They are all threats to national security?

Why not just abolish parliament, state assembly and local council?! If all our representatives are criminals?

6. Finally they found something real scary.

Things being found in some bushes by the roadside indicate that BERSIH is actually kotor!!!

HELLO, there are knifes in every houses, there are parang every shops selling coconuts or watermelons, there are even more BERSIH T-shirts in YOUR BALAI POLIS!!!

7. Yet, these BERSIH guys whom they think maybe terrorists had seek audience with the Agung. They even have good and peaceful discussions!

However, after seeking audience with Agung, the police still decided to apply restriction order from court so that they cannot step into KL on 9th July. OUT OF WHAT REASON? Seriously don't know.

It's suggested that the government and police to seek advice from Psychologist. Cause all of the above, are just like some symptoms of Persecution Paranoia..

Don't you think so?

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Sins of The Yellow

Our Home Minister & IGP just announced, that Yellow is now illegal in Bolehland! Therefore, those wearing yellow please take off your clothes. If you cannot do this, consider to stay away from Bolehland!

The announcement had set off some panic in the community, some celebrities have suffered for no reason, many of them started to complain:

The DigiMan is the first to be arrested. He has no idea at all, what crime does he committed, or who does he offended. The last thing he remember is he singing "I will follow you". That's it.

After seeing what happen to DigiMan, perhaps His Majesty YDPA starts reconsider about His Majesty's favourite colour?

A close friend of His Majesty, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth has immediately summoned His Highness the Pope, to discuss about the issue. Of course they cannot simple give up the symbolic colour of the Royal Family.. So they decided to take the risk, Bolehland police cannot just arrest them, they believe.

And another friend of them is considering on changing her sir name. Just wondering whether this will cost RM1.8million?

But you see, the above are real powerful celebrities.. what above those who are not so powerful?
Tweety is worried.

Pikachu is crying.

Bumblebee is considering going back to Cybertron with Optimus..

But at least they can move, you see. Other innocent "yellows" can only beg and plead innocent so that they wont be arrested. Such as:

The most splendid thing happened during the chaos is this: one of them smart enough to hide the "yellow" inside so that he wont be caught.

Let's give him some warm applause!!! And good luck to all "yellows"!!!

All of the above are fictitious, any similarity happen in real life is purely coincidental.

The story behind this story is that:-

Frankly, we shouldn't have blamed the police for causing so many people into trouble. Because there are too many deadly sins committed by the "Yellow". One of the major one is that, you know, some of these yellow guys requested for Clean and Fair Election!!!

Stupid meh?! How can we have clean and fair election here?! If so, the government will be overthrown at no time! That is sinful!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

winnable candidates? or winnable tactics?

Najib said, he wants winnable candidates.

Sounds good.

Sounds like he's going to get rid of those corrupted, rude, racist and brainless men, and replace with some real YBs. Sounds like. Because we knew, no matter how miserable the columnists had said about BN, they still have talented and kind-hearted candidates. Yes, they have.

But after the scandal sex video. After the SodomyII. After all these "you help me, I help you", "you do sui sui, I do sui sui", 1Malaysia dinner party, giftsss, moneysss, projectsss and etc...We can't help ourselves to ask: they want winnable tactics, or winnable candidates?

I can't agree more to KitSiang, Malaysia politics have reach its' new depth of character assassination, with this video thing. And, it's...boring.

To be frank, who cares about DSAI having sex with boys or girls or both?(Of course there are still peoples who care, I'm rare, perhaps) As long as he didn't use tax-payer money for that, as long that he can provide a vision and a good plan for the nation's future...does it matter? We are not choosing our boyfriend or husband, but a leader to lead the country. Didn't the same principal applied, when MCA central delegates voted for ChuaSL?

I just can't understand why don't just fight it -- vision to vision, 1Malaysia to XXXXXX, or tranfomasi to reformasi? Unless. That is just so UN-WINNABLE to certain parties.

We are supposingly moving forward for better democracy, not backwards. But we are moving backwards and downwards. aiyo.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


我还记得,那天晚上遇见吾尔开希时的反应,是一声惨叫:啊~~~~~~!啊哈。不是,不是。不是被他发胖的样子吓到。而是当老板走进来通知说吾尔开希来了的时候,他其实已经就要离开……所以我们惨叫着跑出去。—————— 追他回来拍照。







某天晚上,有幸遇见六四学运的其中一位领袖,如果你还记得他 —— 吾尔开希。席上,听他谈民主,谈自由,谈政治……不亦乐乎。而他所理解的民主和自由,我想,值得我们借鉴。












Thursday, February 24, 2011



瘦的原因不是因着柬埔寨的食物bo ho chiak,而是因着运动量太大。胖的原因不必多说,去过台北的人都懂,凭着台湾地方特色小吃的种类之琳琅满目、口味之五花八门、诱惑力之无从抗拒,绝对可以称之“罪恶之岛”。当然,夹在两次飞行中间的那一场农历新年,也有份贡献“胖了一点”这件事情。









Monday, January 3, 2011





